(Sources:  https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/safety/passenger-safety/saferbus-mobile-application and https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/safety/look-you-book/look-you-book).

Bus Travel in the United States is increasingly popular because of the low cost of such travel and because it is relaxing and relatively energy-efficient.  Traveling by bus can be a safe option for the traveling public.  However, not all bus operators and motorcoach carriers live up to the safety standards required of them by the United States Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).  According to the FMCSA, safety should always be the first consideration of the traveling public and not price and convenience, which many individuals and companies may place as the top factor in choosing a bus operator, tour company or motorcoach carrier.  Because one crash is too many, the FMCSA has identified the types of failings on the part of bus and motorcoach operators that put the passengers at risk, as follows:

  • There is an increased chance for a breakdown or crash when buses are inadequately maintained or lack necessary safety equipment.
  • The use of unlicensed and unqualified commercial drivers.
  • Failing to follow Hours of Service rules and permitting fatigued drivers to stay on the road.
  • Having improper registration allowing for interstate business operations.

The FMCSA suggests the use of the FMCSA SaferBus Mobile Application for persons planning a bus trip.  The SaferBus mobile application gives the public access to bus company safety information, including the following:

  • Whether a bus company has been placed out of service.
  • The safety ratings for bus companies including safety performance (i.e., driver fitness, Hours-of-Service Compliance, use of drugs and alcohol).
  • Whether the bus company has operating authority.

The lawyers at Liever, Hyman & Potter, P.C., are concerned for the safety of the traveling public who utilize the services of buses and motorcoaches in Berks County and Schuylkill County and serve bus, truck and auto accident victims and their families in Reading, PA, Pottsville, PA, and throughout Central and Eastern, Pennsylvania, including Philadelphia.

From the desk of Adam K. Levin, Esquire


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